Популярное: Люди Х среди нас - Альберту Киллиану не страшны укусы ядовитых змей

This Florida man lives with dozens of roommates — many of which can kill a person with a single bite.

But not Albert Killian — who keeps 60 venomous snakes in his house, and said getting bitten over 100 times has helped him develop a life-saving tolerance.

“I’ve taken mamba bites and I’ve been bitten in the arm by a cobra. There was enough venom to probably drop an 8,000-pound elephant,” he boasted to Barcroft Media.

“These animals can kill you in the blink of an eye — it’s one of the most dangerous jobs in the world,” Killian said - mimege.ru

He extracts venom from his 28 Egyptian cobras, three Indian cobras, forest cobras, spotting cobras, rattlesnakes and vipers — which is then processed into pharmaceutical products.

“These animals can kill you in the blink of an eye — it’s one of the most dangerous jobs in the world,” Killian said.

He has loved snakes ever since he removed one from his neighbor’s yard when he was just 10 years old.

Ever since, he’s made it his mission to save all the snakes in his community.

“One day I was going to school and saw a snake on the side of the road. When I ran home and told my uncle, he went up the road and shot it, which was really upsetting,” he said.

“I got a couple of containers, garbage cans and barrels and started collecting snakes and keeping them in the garage,” he said.

His neighbors then began paying him to perform the chilling work.

He did have one close call with a cobra, he admitted.

“The thing nailed me and I had 20 minutes to get to the hospital and no ambulance could take me,” he said. “I drove to the hospital and flat-lined there for like two or three minutes — the venom put me in respiratory failure.”

Source:  nypost.com

Photo: nypost.com

People x among us - Florida sitizen doesn't fear snakes' bits обновлено: 30 марта, 2019 автором: Анна Старкова
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