Популярное: Из нью-йоркских школ уберут металлодетекторы

Metal detectors — standard issue in many city schools — may be on their way out.

The city is moving to reduce the use of the detectors in some schools with the start of the next school year, education department officials and principals told the Daily News.

metal detectors
While roughly 300 public schools in 88 buildings use metal detectors to scan students. Photo jamaica-gleaner.com

Mayor de Blasio said Wednesday that the city is still investigating the issue, but school leaders and education department officials, who asked to speak on the controversial subject anonymously, said many detectors could be pulled next September.

Crime in Big Apple schools has been declining for years, and a student has not been fatally shot in a city school since 1992, education officials said. But many educators, parents and law enforcement officials attribute that success to metal detectors, which are used to scan up to 90,000 students on any given day.

Principals union vice president Mark Cannizzaro said each school leader should have the last word on the use of scanners.

Source: nydailynews.com

NYC moving to reduce metal detector use in city schools обновлено: 30 марта, 2019 автором: Наталья Николаева
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